Sizzle Reel

View My Sizzle Reels Below

Fun and funny, Candlelight’s ‘Singin' in the Rain’ is a Treat. Great choreography by Janet Renslow.

Candyce Columbus, LA Theatre Examiner (Singin' In The Rain)


Janet Renslow’s choreography (that tricky process of making a large group move as one without seeming to be dancing) helps create a sense of crowd.

Frances Baum Nicholson, The Stage Struck Review (Sweeney Todd)

San Diego Musical Theatre

Renslow gets high marks for the production’s perky, tap-packed choreography, which the eager ensemble execute nimbly, their varying degrees of dance training scarcely perceptible.

Steven Stanley, StageSceneLA (No, No Nanette)

Block Party Bash Event